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Results of 2021: JSC “NK “Neftisa” Maintained the Growth Rate

8 february 2022

      In 2021, due to a systematic increase in oil demand and, as a result, OPEC+ quotas for oil production, the enterprises of JSC “NK “Neftisa” produced a total of 6.2 million tons of oil, which is 1.4% higher than in 2020.
     In terms of exploration work carried out in 2021, the increase in reserves for the “NK “Neftisa” Group of Companies amounted to 11 million tons. This result was achieved due to the financial resources that the company invests on an ongoing basis for conducting 3D seismic surveys and drilling exploratory and exploration wells. In 2021, 395 km2 of 3D field seismic work was performed at the Vostochno-Untygejskoye and Untygejskoye sites.
     Drilling of high-tech production wells at the Untygejskoye field in Western Siberia confirmed prospects of extracting hard-to-recover reserves using modern technologies: 26 horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing (up to 14 stages) have been commissioned.
     The Mikhailovskoye field was discovered in the Sverdlovsk region. It is the fourth of the currently known oil fields in this region.
In 2022, JSC “NK “Neftisa” will maintain further production growth in accordance with OPEC+, it is planned to produce at least 6.44 million tons of oil. Due to a multiple increase in production drilling, exploration work in 2021-2024 will be carried out in full.

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