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Company history

JSC "NK "Neftisa" has been successfully operating since 2008, with an emphasis on principles of social responsibility. Priorities of the company are safe production organization, environmental protection, improvement of life quality and development of potential of the company's employees, improvement of socio-economic conditions in the regions of its presence.


The total recoverable oil reserves at the beginning of the year amounted to 369.6 million tons. The company continues to develop, and this applies not only to production indicators. In October 2019, Belkamneft JSC named after A. A. Volkov conducted the first multi-stage acid-proppant hydraulic fracturing in the Udmurt region at the horizontal well of the Arlansky oil field using the technology with cutoff clutches and cup-packers (BPS and C2C) and the possibility of opening or closing the hydraulic fracturing port. In December 2019, CanBaikal LLC completed drilling the longest horizontal well in the JSC “NK “Neftisa” with a length of 1,550 m and successfully completed the first multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in Russia at stage 22 with activated soluble balls.


By 2018, JSC “NK “Neftisa” increased its total recoverable reserves (A+B1+B2+C1+C2) by 39% to 360 million tons compared to previous year. The total increase in reserves for all subsidiaries of the company amounted to 107.4 million tons. Due to the implementation of complex geological exploration activities and the acquisition of new license areas, the increase in reserves by the beginning of 2018 amounted to 21 million tons and 7 new oil fields were discovered in the Samara Region and the Udmurt Republic. The Company continues to invest in new technologies and conducts pilot tests, the most effective of which are later introduced into production. Subsidiaries of JSC “NK “Neftisa” successfully implemented projects to optimize production processes and costs with a total savings of more than 600 million rubles.


At the beginning of 2017, JSC “NK “Neftisa” had recoverable reserves of 346 million tons. In March, Neftegazpromtech LLC became a member of the Group. The company produces oil at Nizhne-Chutinskoye oil field in Komi Republic. In 2017, JSC “NK “Neftisa” plans to produce 6,752 million tons of oil. The Company completed the process of reorganizing its subsidiaries, which began in 2015, as a result 17 companies were discontinued by joining other companies of the Group. At the moment, JSC “NK “Neftisa” consists of 23 companies, including 15 oil producers.


Oil production increased by 2% as compared with the previous year. Total oil production for the year was 6.92 million tons. Nine new areas (blocks) were acquired with АВС1+С2 category oil expected reserves of 6.37 million tons. In 2016, the company discovered two oil fields in Samara Region. Neftisa was also involved in seismic exploration research in Untygeyskoye, Kapkanskoye, and Yezhovskoye oil fields, and Skalgurtskoye licensed site. Due to the successful exploration work, the reserves of industrial categories increased by 23 million tons.


To optimize management, the company started reorganizing subsidiary associated companies. JSC “NK “Neftisa” successfully implemented multistage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) technology during horizontal well completion. At the same time, licenses were acquired in the Urals-Volga region with С1+С2 category oil total expected reserves of 4 million tons; a new oil field opened in Severno-Bazarnaya area with expected reserves of 0.9 million tons. Reserve replacement ratio at year-end amounted to 277% for С1+С2 and 133% for 2Р. Production level in 2015 amounted to 6.81 million tons. In April, “NK ”SAMARA” LLC becomes part of the group. The company produces in the territory of the Samara region on the Dengizsky site.


In 2014, the oil-producing assets on the company's books were consolidated, and JSC “NK “Neftisa” became the owner of 16 oil production enterprises; by the end of 2014, JSC “NK “Neftisa” consisted of 38 companies, including 23 oil production enterprises (with subsidiaries of the acquired companies). Annual oil production volume reached 6 846 000 tons, and 64 new wells were put into operation.


JSC “NK “Neftisa” becomes the owner and management company for oil production enterprises. During the year, three oil production enterprises became 100% members of the company: ZMB LLC (later renamed as Yurskneft LLC), Uralnefteservis LLC, Standart-Nafta LLC, and AtaiNeft LLC. Annual oil production volume amounted to 722,000 tons, net profit amounted to RUB 1.45 billion. Eight new wells were put into operation.


The company continues to only support other oil production enterprises in their activities.


For the first time, the company revenue increased up to RUB 25 billion. Net profit increased to RUB 358.7 million due to an increase in oil sales.


On April 15, 2010 was named JSC “NK “Neftisa”. From that time, the company focused on working within the Russian market.


Joint-stock company was founded on April 7, 2008. The company was engaged in oil sales in the domestic market and provided operator and supervising services.

JSC NK Neftisa today is a

  • Stable company with a strong position in the industry and excellent development potential
  • Responsible taxpayer carrying out active social policies
  • Reliable borrower
  • Effective team of high-profile managers
  • Environmentally responsible company

For more detailed information about the company's current status, see section

Neftisa today


18 july 2022

“Neftisa” Summed up Results of the Young Specialists Conference

08 june 2022

“Neftisa” is the Silver Medalist in the “Ecology Cup” Football Tournament

02 june 2022

Neftisa Participates in the International Technological Forum "Innovative Technologies of Subsurface Use as the Basis of the Economy of the Future"

30 may 2022

Results of the Competition for the Best Ideas for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs in “Neftisa”

24 may 2022

The Federation Council Discussed the Use of New Technologies in Oil Production

16 may 2022

The “Neftisa” Team Participates in the Corporate Relay of the Moscow Half Marathon

05 april 2022

Winter Fishing Competition in Komnedra JSC

08 february 2022

Results of 2021: JSC “NK “Neftisa” Maintained the Growth Rate

04 february 2022

JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov Launched Its First Gas Filling Station in the Republic of Udmurtia

24 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” is Ahead in the Fight Against Covid-19

19 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” Summed up the Results of Charitable Activities for 2021

All news