По общим вопросам: +7 (495) 901-22-22
Телефон доверия: +7 (916) 441 27 56

Contacts for shareholders and investors

Contact information for shareholders:

Phone: +7 (495) 901 22 22

Contact information for investors:

Email: RusskikhIS@neftisa.ru
Phone: +7 (495) 901 22 22
Full name of the responsible person: Ivan Russkikh
Position of the responsible person: Head of Valuation of JSC NK Neftisa.


18 july 2022

“Neftisa” Summed up Results of the Young Specialists Conference

08 june 2022

“Neftisa” is the Silver Medalist in the “Ecology Cup” Football Tournament

02 june 2022

Neftisa Participates in the International Technological Forum "Innovative Technologies of Subsurface Use as the Basis of the Economy of the Future"

30 may 2022

Results of the Competition for the Best Ideas for Optimizing Production Processes and Costs in “Neftisa”

24 may 2022

The Federation Council Discussed the Use of New Technologies in Oil Production

16 may 2022

The “Neftisa” Team Participates in the Corporate Relay of the Moscow Half Marathon

05 april 2022

Winter Fishing Competition in Komnedra JSC

08 february 2022

Results of 2021: JSC “NK “Neftisa” Maintained the Growth Rate

04 february 2022

JSC “Belkamneft” named after A.A. Volkov Launched Its First Gas Filling Station in the Republic of Udmurtia

24 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” is Ahead in the Fight Against Covid-19

19 january 2022

JSC “NK “Neftisa” Summed up the Results of Charitable Activities for 2021

All news