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JSC Samarainvestneft

Production rate for 2022

545,7 thousand tons

Extracted reserves

13 904 thousand tons

Production sites


Exploration sites




Samarainvestneft was founded in 1996. The company has been a part of Neftisa Group since November 2011. The company produces oil at 14 oil fields located in the north of Samara Region. Currently, the biggest oil fields in terms of reserves and production level are Shungutskoye, Yuzhno-Zolotarevskoye, Krepostnoye, and Vostochno-Dengizskoye.

Alexander Tropin

He was born on February 23, 1981.


In 2003 he graduated from Perm state technical university with specialty "Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields". In 2013, Russian state university of oil and gas named after I. M. Gubkin, specialty "Economy and management at enterprises of oil and gas complex".

Professional Experience:

2003 – 2006 – mechanic-repairman; oil and gas production operator; oil, gas and gas condensate production foreman; leading production engineer of oil and gas production unit at Barsukovneft Oil Production of OJSC NK Rosneft-Purneftegaz;

2006 – 2013 – head of oil and gas unit; head of the regional engineering-technological service; chief engineer of oil, gas and gas condensate production department; head of oil, gas and gas condensate production department at OOO RN-Purneftegaz;

2013 – 2017 – first deputy general director – chief engineer at OJSC Varioganneft;

December 2017 – September 2018 – General Director at OJSC MPK Aganneftegazgeologiya.

In September 2018, he was appointed as General Director of JSC Samarainvestneft.

In 2020 was awarded the Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.
Learn more


21, Gubanova st., Samara, 443125, Russian Federation


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